1. Local community

We will thrive a local community of builders in the four participating research institutions.

  1. Hardware publication platform

We will gather a community of interest to co-create an ecosystem for hardware publication, including a peer review system, that will provide recognition for the hardware makers.

  1. International collaboration

We will work inside GOSH, OSHWA and the RDA communities, producing guidance for makers in their path to open and FAIR hardware production, as well as driving further acceptance of the developed workflows.

  1. Research

We have been conducting interviews, surveys and observatory studies to understand the current practices and the community needs.


Researchers from three Berlin universities are collaborating to make this project fly.

This is a collaborative effort!

See related project and join the effort

From our blog

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LNDW2024: BUA mobile lab presentation

on June 21, 2024

This post will be in German, an English summary will be added in the coming weeks. Hallo liebe Besucher*innen, auf diesen Website erklären wir was dieses Projekt ist und warum wir es treiben. Auf den homepage können Sie sehen, dass wir sind von verschiedene Unis in Berlin arbeiten seit 2019 über Offenes Hardware in akademia. Heute presentieren Wir unseren Mobile Lab konzept. Mit den werden wir in die Unis vor Ort sein und erklären was ist mit “open source” für hardware gemeint ist.

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Interview summary: audiomoth

on January 23, 2024

Interview: audiomoth Alex Rogers is a Professor of Computer Science who lead the team that developed the audiomoth, a low-price passve sound recorder used for biodiversity monitoring in the wild. by the Open make team, Alex Rogers. Copyright to the authors, distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. Sections: The project The hardware The research outputs The participants *Banner image: logo of the openacousticdevices company, By openacousticdevices, used with permission

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Interview: Gorgas Tracker

on January 22, 2024

Interview: Gorgas Tracker Pierre Padilla Huamantinco is a PhD student at Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering, he led the development of the Gorgas Tracker, a device that was used to track the position of people and investigate the role of human population movement in malaria epidemiology in rural villages in the Peruvian Amazon river networks. by the Open make team, Pierre Padilla Huamantinco. Copyright to the authors, distributed under a CC-BY 4.

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Interview: Guaudilabs, the Pocket-PCR

on January 18, 2024

Interview: GaudiLabs Urs Gaudenz has been part of hackteria and similar open source hardware communities for a long time. Nine years ago, he started GaudiLabs, a “desktop manufacturing” company that is selling open source hardware produced in small scale. One of these products is the Pocket-PCR machine. by the Open make team, Urs Gaudenz. Copyright to the authors, distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. Sections: The project The hardware The research outputs The participants Banner image: GaudiLabs logo, used with permission

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